Heartbreaking news and heartbroken
2015 June - July
Created by Sarah Louise 9 years ago
Woke up at 7:30am Tuesday morning to my mum ringing me I thought to start with that my alarm for work was going off until I looked at my phone. Mum told me that she just found out from the hospital that dad had a bad night and that he is now unresponsive and to ring them back at ten for the head nurse to get in. I told mum to ring my work after that as I had to go in. But soon as I got off the phone I knew I shouldn't and didn't want too so I rang work but as I Hurd the words how's ur dad I just broke down and couldn't get any words out.Only that I couldn't go in. Got to my mums and my sister Catherine was already there. We waited until mum rang and they told us we could go in.
When we got there they were moving dad into his own private room on the side. They took him down to have another scan and abit after he got brought back up. The Doctor asked us into his office we sat down and he got dad's brain scan up on the computer screen. The doctor explained to us that he had had another stroke through the night and now he was badly brain damaged on both sides Then said the sentence that broke all are hearts that it's not good he's only got a few days left 😢 I/ We couldn't believe it, it didn't seem real only ever hurd those words on Tv in sad movies. Never thought i would hear them for real and about my dad.
The next three days where so hard and heartbreaking, we stayed and slept at the hospital for three days/nights.
Even though the nurse and doctors assured us he was comfortable and wasn't in pain he would make loud moans the first night like he was in pain and his breathing was very vigorous and loud. They gave him more and more strong morphine and other medication which calmed his restfulness and moaning.But his breathing stayed the same and also was bringing up thick white mucous so they had to keep coming in and clearing it with suction. Dr told us that his breathing was normal with brain damage. Near the end he ended up getting pneumonia.
On the 2nd July the senior nurse and Doctor came in the room and asked us if we where ready to let him go...More words that where hard to hear but we told her we was ready because we wanted him at peace. They took him off the drip and just made sure he was pain free, and comfortable the rest was down to dad.
A white fluffy feather flew through the little gap of his hospital window on one of his last few days. Sent from a Guardian angle, his sister Kathy we think💜
I said and felt that dad was going to last through the night. I had a few hours sleep and then woke in early hours of Tuesday morning and went up to his room. The nurse in charge that morning said he is very poorly now and she was going to turn him but felt she shouldn't. I knew and felt he didn't have long now.
We where all outside his room while they went in to clear the mucous and a cleaner was in there too his door was open all the time it was going on, I looked in and could see him breathing with his mouth shut. Then looked away for abit when I looked again I could see he wasn't breathing so I said to helen 'dad's not breathing' so we ran in and he wasnt helen shouted to Alfie get mum quick so he did and Catherine had just walked in too. His eyes where already open and he wasn't breathing we thought we had all missed him go but then he took his last breath while we was all there with him. He looked so peaceful after his last breath. Was heartbreaking but also we was relieved that he was at peace now and just looked like he was sleeping. We said our good byes while he was still breathing and afterwards too. It was hard to leave him though.
He and we had so much family support so much love for dad from all the family who visited all through the 8days. Mum, Me, Catherine, Helen and Alfie. Marcus and Corey. Cousin Sandra, Mike and Ashley. Uncle Eric and Winnie. xxxx You where very loved and thought of dad.xxxx